Scrabble Banter
July 14, 2021
Drowning Acacia
November 30, 2021If you ask me, the main reason why we have not done so well in the past would be a lack of mentorship. In some cases, the mentorship might have been inadequate or impersonal. But if you don’t ask me, it remains to be what you think it is. Most of the time, growing up, we’d never come up with a solid response to the question, “Where do you see yourself in the next five years or so?”
Fortunately, that has not been the case since I started playing tournament scrabble. Every outing has privileged me to meet new players, most of whom were ahead of me, interacted and learnt something new about the game. Progressively and consistently with deliberation to improve my game.
The first time I ever played Scrabble was somewhere in 2012 while I was in high school. Afterwards, I tried a few mobile games with a semblance to the actual game like many do unaware of tournament scrabble around. I wish I did a lot more after high school to get involved in sports particularly scrabble.
Not just for me, this country loses a lot of prowess for not empowering youth on the transition stages. It is for this reason that most sportspeople peak late into their careers. Sadly, most upcoming players take long to pick up and shine. For career development and growth, the struggle is a well-known story.
Since I started playing tournament Scrabble in 2018, any assistance I would have needed as far as Scrabble is concerned has always been a few keystrokes away. Be it learning resources, seeking tournament waivers or support. Thanks to the senior players around who have for the longest time endeavoured to grow the game.
If youngsters get to transition, sportspeople on our soil would be peaking in their twenties resulting in reliable, prosperous and consistent teams. Else, we will always be paying to stream European football as our local standards deteriorate by the day. If so, we might not live to see a world chess champion from our soil, leave alone a grandmaster. We might even lose our dominance in the global scrabble scene as well. I am not denying that there are elements where our country is doing well in sports, but we could get far ahead if we mentored youngsters some more. That way, we could only get better.
Most activities, especially sports, in our colleges and universities are executed as a routine, rather perfunctorily. There is little genuine energy and desire to give youth a platform to assert and express themselves in sports. Consequently, many fellows distance themselves from the activities opting to put their focuses elsewhere. Instead, they get involved with side hustles that more often than not pull them to the side. Instead of serving as a preparatory stage, it now seems to be the epilogue to disaster. The situation is even worse for first-generation college students trudging the uncertainties with little or no guidance at all from their guardians.
From the little that we have, we can work towards what we need. We have to get involved in sports rather than play passive roles at the expense of improving the standards around us. For me, I’d rather play Scrabble with a seven-year-old or watch my homies play football than watch the world cup final on a flat-screen. I will always go for participation
Over the lockdown, I did a lot of studying and analysis that enabled me to win the tournament in March crossing over to the senior division. I learnt that in Scrabble, just like in combat, you have to corner your opponent to give them a routing. You need to know where and when to punch and when it is necessary to take a risk. Most importantly, how and when to defend. Every player has a unique style of play and a unique set of words. For this reason, playing actual scrabble against humans is a treasure (sorry I couldn’t find a better word).
Scrabble, like any other activity, is not difficult to master. People tend to label anything that they do not master quickly as difficult (Don’t be one of them). Be it a concept they should learn in school, a demanding job or even languages that they don’t speak, they call them difficult. What you think of it, it is all on you. Scrabble is not a word game if you think about it critically. When I train newbies I prefer to define scrabble as the process of forming a crossword, though no one would be bothered about the meaning of the words later, maybe the hooks.
Mentorship might not be enough if you don’t take the initiative; if you decide to attend any Scrabble Kenya tournament at any time of the year, I can guarantee that you will receive plenty of support and enjoy the show. But if your interest is to grow and improve your game, that one is on you (your opponent will be there for the violence if you come unprepared.) After every tournament, all players go home with a list of their mistakes and a plan to rectify them and come back stronger for the next tournament. However, only a few take the initiative and make the necessary improvements (Let this be you, phew!)
If you are reading this and you have never played in a tournament, I would love to see you feature in one someday. You could always write me an email if you need learning resources or general gameplay assistance. I am not at the top yet, but if we are moving in the same direction I will always help you, regardless of where you lie. I can’t wait to usher you to your next opponent and share a gaming experience with you someday.
Early July 2021, I made my debut in the senior division, playing against the toughest players on our soil, most of whom have represented the country on the global scene. I came in bottom seeded, but I did my preparation well, I was ready to own my performance. I do not believe in luck, maybe chance, which depends on our moves. Allow me to use a somewhat farfetched analogy to make my point. Any child can get to college, but the one from a wealthy background has higher chances since they would get access to quality education and mentorship while the other might find it harder. Still, both of them might or might not, depends on what they do. But there is some element of chance.
The same case with Scrabble, players who know more words are the wealthy kids, they should find it easier to dominate and win. But still, if you know fewer words you can make it, but it would be more difficult. If you improve your game, it will be more fun playing because you will understand and own it.
No one is better than you, maybe ahead of you in the game. There are some words or methods you know that I don’t. Everyone has their unique skillset. For this reason, everyone has something that they can contribute.
At 23, I was the youngest player in A alongside Philip Mutinda and we hope that more players at our level join the Premier division. With gadgets and free resources, we have the easy route and plenty of mentors around. Take the initiative then you will always get that extra push you need.
All the best!
written by richard okechi