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Nairobi National Scrabble Championship <br>

The Standard Chartered Bank Head Office - Westlands, Nairobi.
January 07 - 08, 2022

Open Round 7 Alphabetic Pairings

BoardPlayer Opponent
10Chibole, Yusuf (C5) 2ndMutahi, Mercy (C19) 1st
13Githinji, Elvis (C3) 1stMwancha, Nick (C21) 2nd
6Huma, Lynn (C12) 1stMachayo, Wallace (C16) 2nd
2Imbisu, Nick (C1) 2ndNdolo, James (C23) 1st
3Itah, George (C6) 1stOduor, Raphael (C25) 2nd
4Juma, Benson (C15) 1stWamae, Linet (C4) 2nd
7Kiamba, Pius (C7) 2ndMutua, Purity (C20) 1st
12Kitili, Jack (C8) 1stSang, Sydney (C29) 2nd
15Krop, Hammerton (C9) 1stWangechi, Nancy (C11) 2nd
6Machayo, Wallace (C16) 2ndHuma, Lynn (C12) 1st
14Moiro, Deborah (C17) 1stMwenderani, Sharonne (C22) 2nd
9Muchibi, Jackson (C18) 1stOlang, Michael (C26) 2nd
10Mutahi, Mercy (C19) 1stChibole, Yusuf (C5) 2nd
7Mutua, Purity (C20) 1stKiamba, Pius (C7) 2nd
13Mwancha, Nick (C21) 2ndGithinji, Elvis (C3) 1st
8Mwarabu, Fortune (C10) 2ndShah, Kartik (C30) 1st
14Mwenderani, Sharonne (C22) 2ndMoiro, Deborah (C17) 1st
2Ndolo, James (C23) 1stImbisu, Nick (C1) 2nd
5Njeri, Joy (C13) 1stUshindi, Stanley (C31) 2nd
3Oduor, Raphael (C25) 2ndItah, George (C6) 1st
9Olang, Michael (C26) 2ndMuchibi, Jackson (C18) 1st
11Precious, Fortune (C27) 2ndWairimu, Hellen (C32) 1st
1Preety, Harpreet (C28) 1stWairimu, Lucy (C2) 2nd
12Sang, Sydney (C29) 2ndKitili, Jack (C8) 1st
8Shah, Kartik (C30) 1stMwarabu, Fortune (C10) 2nd
5Ushindi, Stanley (C31) 2ndNjeri, Joy (C13) 1st
11Wairimu, Hellen (C32) 1stPrecious, Fortune (C27) 2nd
1Wairimu, Lucy (C2) 2ndPreety, Harpreet (C28) 1st
4Wamae, Linet (C4) 2ndJuma, Benson (C15) 1st
15Wangechi, Nancy (C11) 2ndKrop, Hammerton (C9) 1st

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